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maaliskuuta 22, 2019

Shamanism products ENG

In Sami shamanism, the noaidi – the Sami shaman, used the drum to get into trance, or to obtain information from the future or about other places. My Shaman drums are not made with reindeer hide, they are decorative. I'm am working on making vegan shaman drums that you can even play.
I make shamanic items, that brings you closer to your practice, or just closer to nature.

Not every shaman needs a drum, but we can soak the energy by carrying this wooden handmade shaman drum around our necks. To really remind us where our roots are, and who we are.
Price: 9,00€

Difficulty sleeping? Bad dreams? Or maybe no dreams at all? The shaman rock is perfect for that kind of problems. It is blessed by a shaman. Keep it close to the bed, and before tucking in, hold it in your arms. Use it with an open heart, and it may free you to the land of dreams. 
Price: 6,00€

Nature is such a big part of our life and that is why I decided to make these raddles from Himalayan salt rocks, and Walnuts. The sound is light and gentle. 

Travis name comes from it's handy travel size. A big drum can be hard to carry around, but this small walnut you can just clip onto your necklace and go walk outside. Unclip and use when needed.
Price: 21,00€

Shamanic trivets
Woodburned shamanic trivets and coasters. Big ones are perfect for 4 L saucepan, and the small ones are thick enough to be placed under a hot pan.
Price of the big one 23,00€
Price of the little ones: 6,00-11,00€


In Sami shamanism, the noaidi – the Sami shaman, used the drum to get into trance, or to obtain information from the future or about other places. My Shaman drums are not made with reindeer hide, they are decorative.

Each drum is different from the next, you can order specifically white lines or black lines. Other wise I do as I feel at the moment. They are painted and decorative.
I have some ready-to-go shaman drums on my Facebook page. You can see them there
Facebook > Albums > Shamaanituotteet
Or click here: Link

Round shaman drum
Diameter starting from 20cm, and as it grows, so does the price. For example: 20cm - 20,00€, 30cm - 30,00€, 40cm - 40,00€ etc.

Small shaman drum
Size: 20cm x 30cm
Price: 20,00€

Big shaman drum
Size: 30cm x 40cm
Price: 25,00€

You can order a custom made shamandrum for your bohemian needs. Decide the size, if you want a sun in the center or a divided worldview, and if you want it to be light, or dark. Just message me in Facebook: Jowisfreelife

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