Kaikki sivut



helmikuuta 24, 2017

When published?

I have been writing for years now, and I have several book-projects that are waiting to be finished. But few months ago I actually finished one, I have a book! Ready to go into the world!

It's a storybook for children, it has a different angle, beautiful artwork and a theme that is fresh. But it is still missing a publisher, no answers yet.

I hate this part. Only like 2% of the book proposals get published, so the rest just have to suffer, make an e-book or self-publish which is really expensive (yes, I've looked into that).

Im not giving up. I will hold that in my hand, a book that I've made, something I created into the world. Something great, helpful, teaching, fun, and full of emotion and feeling.

I will get there, because I have a vision for my future: Im sitting in my camper, with my laptop and a cup of coffee, writing and looking out the window. Life's passion being the source of livelihood.

I will get there. Just wait and see.

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